Category: Medical

Self-Managed Abortion: What You Need to Know
Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911 or visit the nearest Emergency Room. Self-Managed Abortion: Self-managed abortion, or at-home abortion, refers to abortions that are manged without clinical supervision. Without appropriate clinical care, these abortions can be dangerous […]

Managing COVID-19 & Pregnancy
COVID-19 has left many in a state of confusion and worry. When dealing with a pregnancy in the middle of this pandemic, a lot of questions can arise. A mother’s first concern becomes the health of her pregnancy or newborn. While we wish to provide answers to all of your questions, it’s unfortunately too soon […]

Am I Really Pregnant? Do I Need An Ultrasound?
Positive. Again. It’s still positive. Why is it still positive? This wasn’t the plan. How did this happen? How can I be PREGNANT? So Many Questions When you get a positive result when you weren’t planning to get pregnant, the questions just keep coming. How will I tell him? How will I tell my parents? What will […]

Ectopic Pregnancy: What You Need To Know
Ectopic pregnancies are relatively rare here in the US, occurring in less then 2% of all pregnancies. But, because it is a serious medical condition that can be life threatening and requires immediate attention, it is something which all women should be made aware. What is an Ectopic Pregnancy? The simple answer is that it […]

5 “Facts” You Think You Know About STDs That Aren’t True
Since we began offering STD testing at PRC we have had the opportunity to serve many clients from all walks of life. One thing that is consistent is the difficulty telling someone they have a STD, especially when it’s a viral STD that they will have for life. Many times, they have a hard time […]

How Often Should I Get Tested for STDs?
STDs are common They are so common that 19 million new cases are reported each year in the US. By age 25 it is estimated that 1 in 2 sexually active people will get one or more STDs. Why are they so prevalent? There are many reasons. One is that STDs often don’t show symptoms […]

What Is Plan B?
Plan B, also known as the “morning after pill”, is a relatively new type of emergency contraception that has been made available over the counter. At Pregnancy Resource Clinic, we frequently get questions about Plan B and many clients seem confused about exactly what it is and how it works. We wanted to provide some […]

Spring Break – Sand, Suds and STIs
Not that anyone is counting down the days, but Spring Break is almost here. Some of you are lucky enough to escape the frozen tundra of Happy Valley (we’re not jealous, really, we’re not). Whether you’re headed to the beach, some other sunny destination, or home to see family and friends, we hope you […]

How Early Can I Take A Pregnancy Test?
Gone are the days of waiting and waiting for a missed period to find out if you might be pregnant. There was a time, not so long ago, that women wouldn’t dream of taking a pregnancy test until they had missed at least one period. But thanks to technology and more affordable pregnant tests, there’s […]

Are you at risk for an STD?
There are a few questions that need to be answered when looking at the risk of contracting an STD. First of all, let’s define what a STD is: a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or infection (STI) you can get from having sex or a sexual encounter. It only takes one sexual encounter to contract a STD […]