Medical Services

All services are free of charge and strictly confidential.

Pregnancy Test

At Pregnancy Resource Clinic, we offer self-administered and Registered Nurse administered urine pregnancy tests.  The test is easy and you can make an appointment by calling us today or by using the contact form on the right.

How does it work? The pregnancy test detects the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (“hCG”), which appears in urine very early during pregnancy. HCG is a hormone initially produced by the zygote shortly after conception and is secreted into the urine. The pregnancy test contains antibodies which specifically react with this hormone.

Our tests are accurate 7-10 days after conception. Based on the findings of your pregnancy test result, we may suggest you return for a re-test to rule out a false-negative test.

Click here to calculate your estimated due date! 

Pregnancy Ultrasound

The ultrasounds we offer provide you with several areas of knowledge regarding you and the health of your pregnancy. A Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS) will perform a limited obstetric ultrasound. The purpose of your ultrasound is to:

– Determine the presence of a viable intrauterine pregnancy
– Determine gestational age
– Detect fetal cardiac activity

It is important to have an ultrasound to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. If it is determined that you are pregnant with an ectopic pregnancy, which is a pregnancy not located within the uterus, we will refer you to the nearest emergency room for medical help. Also, you will be informed of the gestational age of your pregnancy. If a heart beat is visible, a heart rate will be provided to you as well. Knowing these specific details will help you make informed decisions about your pregnancy.

If we are unable to determine a viable pregnancy, we may invite you to return to our office one to two weeks later. We may refer you to the nearest emergency room or a local OB/GYN office for further treatment.

The purpose of the ultrasound is not to determine gender or diagnose any abnormalities, nor is the ultrasound provided for entertainment purposes.

Your ultrasound scan will be reviewed by a licensed OB/GYN.

Pregnancy Resource Clinic does not provide information on the ultrasound photos in order for a client to obtain an abortion.

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Testing and Treatment

Americans ages 15-24 make up just 27% of the sexually active
population, but account for
50% of the 20 million new STIs in the U.S. each year. ¹

Are you sexually active and concerned about these numbers?

Good news for you: We provide STD testing and treatment to men and women, free of charge.

  • We test for ChlamydiaGonorrhea, HIV, and Syphillis.
  • We provide treatment for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea.
  • We will have your results in approximately 1 week.
  • Bring your I.D. with you.
  • Hydrate well 24 hours prior to your appointment.
  • Do not urinate an hour before your appointment.
  • Schedule an appointment by filling out the form to the right of this screen or by calling 814.234.7340.

If you test positive for Chlamydia or Gonorrhea, you will be encouraged to return to our clinic for treatment, administered by a Registered Nurse. We may feel it necessary to refer you for further testing for other infections and diseases.

If you test positive for HIV or Syphillis, we will refer you for further medical attention.

Once tested, we will have results available to you within approximately one week of your appointment.

If you seek STI testing and treatment at our clinic, we are required to share your identifying information with the Department of Health, as is any medical facility testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections.

Have more questions about STI’s and what they could mean for you? Visit

Are you at risk for an STD? Find out at

Your identifying information will be reported to state health departments and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); this is a requirement for all health care providers who offer STI testing and treatment.